Monday, February 2, 2009

Wedding bells are ringing!

Hello! My name is Terra and I am getting married on October 24th, 2009 to the most amazing man on the face of the planet Tyler Martin James. I am truly blessed to have had him in my life and to get to spend the rest of my life with him. I am a little late starting my blog as I have already done some wedding planning, but I am going to catch you up.
First I want to fill you in on Tyler and I. We met at Texas A&M University while going to school. The first time we saw each other we were both dating other people, but I thought he was REALLY good looking. A few months after we met he broke up with his girlfriend at the time, and I was have relationship problems myself. It wasn't to much longer when I ended my relationship. Tyler jokes now and says that he heard from a friends, friends, brother's best friend that I was having relationship problems and was on it like white on rice (he is a jokester!). It wasn't to much longer that we started and hit it off! We had so much fun together and he made me laugh really hard. I knew from day one that he was the man I was going to marry and spend the rest of my life with. Time went by and I graduated from A&M, moved back to Austin and started working. Tyler just graduated in December which was a year after I did and it was the best day of not only his life, but of mine!
Tyler and I had talked about my "dream" proposal a long time a go and all I told him was that I wanted it to be the biggest surprise of my life and that it was really important that all of our friends and family were there. SO..... what did he do? Tyler had worked in Orlando Florida all summer and we knew that he was going to go back when he graduated. He kept telling me that he was "sorry" that he couldn't ask me to marry him as soon as we both had wanted but it was going to have to wait until a few months after he graduated. I continued to tell him that I didn't want to talk about it, and that I just wanted it to be a surprise and I wasn't going anywhere. The night before he graduated he tossed and turned and did not sleep a wink!!! I thought I was going to kill him. That next morning I asked him, "what is wrong with you? Are you ok?" He assured me that he was just nervous about graduating from college. I responded with the best remark ever, " your just graduating..." oops. We went to his commencement ceremony and then to his luncheon. I didn't pay much attention to him as are friends and family were around so we were both mingling and talking. After everyone was finished eating Tyler got up on stage and with a shaky hand (which I didn't even notice) he asked if I would come up on stage with him and dance with him. He is a romantic so I didn't think anything about it. We danced to Stoney LaRue's Crystal Eyes and he was so nervous. I once again asked him, "why are you so nervous?" and he stated, " I am just nervous I am going to trip in front of everyone." I started laughing and told him that he wasn't going to trip. He then CONTINUED to tell me that he was sorry that he couldn't ask me because he had to wait until after he graduated. I told him not to talk about it, and just dance. When the song was over he asked if I could spin twice and I did. When I came back around, he was on one knee. I looked at him with a grimace on my face and said " WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" This was not really a question because I knew he wasn't going to ask me. He looked at me with a smirk on his face, because he knew I was totally surprised and had no clue what he was doing. He then pulled out the ring box and after I started crying and called him TURKEY he asked me to Marry him! Of course I said Yes!

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